SEXY. Was awesome.
In other news, I had a read of an article on 9/11 (okay so this is a bit repetitive but this was interesting) with a contribution fro Robert de Niro who is a native New Yorker. He spoke about rebuilding what was lost, which I thought was a far better way of articulating what needed to be done after the attack as it gives connotations of healing and presents the concept of an actual grieving process (because he used the word 'loss'.) Instead of the reactionary more aggressive notion of 'sticking it' to the terrorists and throwing the new developments in their face as a gesture of triumph and victory. This was in the Observer Magazine btw.
In other other news. I had a remark of my A levels and now have the grades I needed for my insurance choice (Kings College London) which I am thrilled about. However, grades and pride aside - (I still managed to get into the Uni of my choice but on a different course) I can't get over how devastated I was the week of results and how stressful it was to feel i'd failed so badly and wasted my time working so hard. I'm absolutely gutted that through no fault of my own my A level results day was ruined because two papers were marked incorrectly and it resulted in feeling depressed for weeks combined with the terrifying prospect of having an empty lonely gap year, consequently I spent two weeks manically trying to get jobs in ski resorts. AQA thoroughly screwed me over with one of my A levels and if I'm being honest it scares me how powerless you are, because your college/place of education puts their trust in these exam boards, not you, then they are left to oversee everyone's exams and therefore in a sense well being and they are just as likely to mess up as any other organisation. I really dislike having to put events down to bad luck, and having to make up excuses for myself because at the end of the day 99% of what happens to you is down to you and there's no use shying away from the fact that you are in control and hence to blame or to praise for the course of your life. However, in this case, I feel thoroughly unlucky, and am having to put these events down to another non entity which is fate. Sounds ridiculous I know but if there's nothing I could have done about this situation then what other reason could there be for it's happening other then the idea that urm, everything happens for a reason? Perhaps I should turn to religion, at least there's a whole bible full of reasons for why things happen.